

Let's Get Connected

Want work together, have the next best idea for a game, advertise in of our games or simply ask a question? Don't hesitate to contact us. Simply fill in the form or email us at the email address below and we'll contact you as soon as possible.


Have Questions? We’ve Got The Answers

Can I hire Mallat Entertainment to build a game?

Certainly! We are happy to work with companies on their next game project. Contact us by filling in the contact form above and we'll get in touch as soon as possible.

I have a game idea. Can I send it?

Yes! We welcome game ideas from anyone who's passionate about games. Please fill out the contact form on this page with details about your idea and our team will review it. We're always excited to hear new concepts from creative folks who love gaming as much as we do.

There is something in one of your games that I don't understand. Where do I go?

Reach out and let's chat on our lively Discord or send us a message through the contact form above!

Copyright - Mallat Entertainment 2024